
Train Ticket

Book Cover
Book Cover

Taiwan Rail ticket stories

ISBN: 9789864611423

Ni li, a 95-year-old photographer, traveled around the stations through decades to collect tens of thousands of rail tickets. In order to retain the memory of these precious collections, his grandson, Ni Jing-Tai, spent more than a year sorting out and looking for interesting and sweet stories, published this book to educate new generations and to sustain the secret and wisdom of these designs.

Inner Pages
Inner Pages
Inner Pages
Inner Pages
Cover Proposal
Cover Proposal

The client and I collaborated this project fully remotely including printing paper selecting and printing sample confirming which is quite an interesting experience. With the assistance of online tools, our communications are seamless and effectiveness which leads to a productive, efficient result that both of us are satisfied.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Indesign, Pasteapp, Line, Teamviewer, G Suite